void foo(a, b, c) { a = a*2; b = b*2; X++; c = c+b } X=1 Y=2 Z=3 foo(X, Y, Z) What are the values of X, Y, Z if 1) formal paramters a, b, c, are all call-by-value? 2) formal paramters a, b, c, are all call-by-reference? 3) formal paramters a, b, c, are all call-by-value/result? 4) formal paramters a, b, c, are all call-by-name ------------------------------------------------------------ X=1 foo(X, X, X+1) What is the value of X if 1) formal paramters a, b, and c are all call-by-value? 2) formal paramters a, b, and c are all call-by-reference? 3) formal paramters a, b, and c are all call-by-value/result? 4) formal paramters a, b, and c are all call-by-name ------------------------------------------------------------